Portraits 2

Portraits 2 is the second installment of Richmond Lam's exploration in portraiture since 2007. This body of work consists of subjects whom he had encountered through commercial assignments and personal friendships. Lam's subjects come from all walks of life and professions, with the common link that they are all creative people that fascinate him. In these images, Lam examines what motivates these individuals, their personalities, and how they present themselves in front of the camera. He is equally concerned with how to perceive and interpret his subjects through the photographic medium. Portraits 2 is made up of fifteen black & white photographic prints and will be shown at the Ctrllab from January 20th to 23rd.

Exhibit will include a silent auction as well as acoustic set by Dirty Wedding and DJ set by Mitz for the night of the vernissage, January 21st, from 7 - 11pm.

Richmond Lam is a freelance Montreal photographer working with portraiture and documentary images. Born in Hong Kong, Lam grew up in Montreal and attended Concordia University for design and later, Dawson College for photography. Since 2007, his work has been focused on documenting his environment and the people around him.

His emerging career and recent images of the ever-evolving Montreal music and fashion scene have already been recognized to local and international acclaim, as some of Lam's clients(to name a few) have included Alien8 Recordings, Pop Montreal festival, Universal Music Canada, Wunderbar as well as Publications from the likes of Nightlife, Vice, Eye Weekly, Naked Eye, Maclean's, L'Officiel Hommes and subjects that have included Xavier Dolan, Think About Life, The Stills, Kids in the Hall, Sam Roberts Band, Bloc Party & Melissa Auf der Maur.


Explorant l’art du portrait depuis 2007, Richmond Lam présente son deuxième volet intitulé Portraits 2. Ses sujets sont tous des gens qu’il a rencontrés soit dans sa vie personnelle, soit dans le milieu professionnel. Une seule chose les rassemble : ils ont sût fasciner le photographe grâce à leur créativité. À travers ces images, Lam examine les motifs de ces individus, leur personnalité et comment ces gens se présentent devant la camera. Il se préoccupe aussi de la perception photographique de ses sujets. Portraits 2, c’est 15 clichés en noir et blanc et ils vous seront présentés au Ctrllab du 20 au 23 janvier.

L’exposition et un encan silencieux auront lieux du 20 au 23 janvier de 12h à 17h. Vous êtes cordialement invités au vernissage, le jeudi 21 janvier à 19h00, avec invités musicaux Dirty Wedding et DJ Mitz.

Richmond Lam est un photographe indépendant vivant à Montréal; il se spécialise dans les portraits et la photographie-documentaire. Né à Hong Kong, il fût élevé à Montréal et fréquenta l’Université Concordia où il y étudia le design. Plus tard, Il étudia la photographie au Collège Dawson. Depuis 2007, il documente presque exclusivement son environnement et les gens de son entourage.

Avec une carrière émergente, Lam est particulièrement établi dans les domaines de la musique et de la mode. Ses réalisations ont été acclamées tant sur la scène locale qu’internationale. Figurent parmi ses clients : Alien8 Recordings, Pop Montreal festival, Universal Music Canada, Wunderbar ainsi que des publications telles que Nightlife, Vice, Eye Weekly, Naked Eye, Maclean's et L'Officiel Hommes. Sans oublier de tels fameux sujets : Xavier Dolan, Think About Life, The Stills, Kids in the Hall, Sam Roberts Band, Bloc Party et Melissa Auf der Maur.

'Xavier', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Richard', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Think About Life', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Ali', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Kevin', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Scott', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Cary', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Bobby', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Audrey', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Nolan', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Denis', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Yso', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'The Stills', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Adrian', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"

'Mackenzie', black & white digital C print
image: 9" X 12", print: 11" X 14", frame: 16" X 20"